Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for the Teenagers (Lesson 22)

15:30 - 2023/12/18

Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

 Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for the Teenagers (Lesson 22)

Ahkam Explaination:

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A person who invalidates his fast without an excuse is a sinner, he must repent and perform the Qaza and do one of the following things which is called the atonement of fasting:

  1-Freeing a slave 2-Fasting for two months, the first 31 days of which must be consecutive 3-Feeding sixty poor people or giving each of them a Mod of food.

  * a Mod of food is approximately 750 g of wheat or barley and the like.

  * It is not necessary to fulfill the Qaza of fasting immediately, but according to the obligatory precaution, it should be done until Ramazan of the following year.

  *A person should not fail to perform the atonement of fasting, but it is not necessary to do it immediately. if a few years pass, nothing will be added to it.

  * If he did not fast due to an excuse such as travel, and after the month of Ramadan, his excuse is removed, and he did not make the Qaza of it intentionally until the next Ramadan, then he must give one Mod /750 g  of food to the poor in addition to the Qaza fasting for each day.

  * If he cannot fast due to an illness and that illness lasts until Ramadan of the next year, the Qaza is not necessary. but he must give one Mod of food to the poor for each day.

* A traveler whose prayer is broken cannot fast during that trip; But he must perform the Qaza of it. If a traveler whose prayer is not broken, like a person whose job is to travel, must fast while traveling.

* If the fasting person travels in the afternoon, he must complete his fast and his fast is valid. [1]


[1] This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie (May God save him):



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