
12:31 - 2022/12/06




Alms-giving: Mr. Mohammadi has a small charity box in his house. He starts his day by giving to charity. His first task is to put money into that. His last work every day is also good and godly work.

Before going to sleep, he recites Surah "Ikhlas" three times and sends its reward to his father's soul. His father passed away three years ago. Whoever is like Mr. Mohammadi, God will forgive his sins. Whoever starts his day with a good deed and ends it with a good deed, his sins will be forgiven.

God is very kind to his servant. He tells us (the angels): "If he has committed a sin between those two good deeds, don't write it in his Deeds' record." It means as if you have not committed sin at all.



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