What is the belief of the Jews regarding the return of Jesus or the coming of the promised Messiah?

12:35 - 2022/12/03


What is the belief of the Jews regarding the return of Jesus or the coming of the promised Messiah?

What is the belief of the Jews regarding the return of Jesus or the coming of the promised Messiah?

Jews, like most nations and religions, definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah book, there are many good news about the coming of the world reformer. Today, accepting the formation of a Jewish state called Israel by Jews, has been by abusing this ideal of Jews. Both Jews and Christians believe that the Promised One of the end times is from the descendants of Isaac. Christians believe that he is the "Messiah son of Mary" who was killed by the Jews, the Almighty God resurrected him and took him to heaven, and will send him to the end of the world to fulfill his promise through him. But the Jews say: He (the promised leader) has not been born yet.

Jews, like most nations and religions, definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah book, there is much good news about the coming of the world reformer.

In David's psalms under the title "Psalms" in the "Old Testament" books, there are promises in various expressions about the coming of the savior. It is interesting that the material that the Holy Qur'an[1] has quoted from the Psalms about the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) is exactly present in the current Psalms and has not been tampered with. It is stated in the Psalms: "... because the wicked will be cut off. But those who trust in God will inherit the earth.

It is stated in the book "Hajji Nabi": "Thus says Jehovah of hosts: Once again I will shake the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the dry land, and I will shake all the nations, and the virtue of all the nations will come... I will fill this house with my glory."[2]

In the book "Daniel the Prophet" it is also stated: "... a great ruler who stands for your people will rise. Many of those who are sleeping in the soil of the earth will wake up

So, the Jews believe in the coming of a savior, even today the acceptance of the formation of a Jewish government called Israel by the Jews has been by abusing this ideal of the Jews. About a hundred years ago, some Jewish thinkers said that our people have endured humiliation for all these years while waiting for the Messiah, but there was no news of him. Our waiting is over and our patience is full. It is time for us to stand up to end the status quo. They established the school of Zionism and said that we should take Palestine ourselves, the general Jews opposed this. Because according to their beliefs, only the Messiah (the savior of the end of time) can do such a thing. The Zionists said that we are creating a base in Palestine for the rise of the Messiah. Of course, it was difficult to convince a people who had lived with this idea for centuries, but they propagated with great patience and took immigrants to Palestine. Still, some Jews consider the formation of a Zionist state to be against the Jewish Messianic ideal and say that the tradition of waiting should be continued."[3]

Today, the most extreme Zionist groups such as "Gosh Emonim" and the most extreme anti-Zionist groups such as "Neturei Karta" are equally excited about the appearance of the Messiah.[4]

The awaited Messiah of the Jews

From some writings, it seems that the Jews are waiting for the Messiah and, like the Christians, they think that the end-time savior is the Messiah. Although this was a hypothesis before Jesus appeared, we must know that such an idea about the savior of the end times is wrong; Because the promised one expected by the Jews is called "Mashiya" (Messiah, anointed), Mashih was the title of the ancient kings of the Israelites.

But because the word Messiah refers to Jesus, scholars use the word "Messiah" to refer to the Jewish promised, which is made from the Hebrew word "Mashiah" according to the Latin pronunciation.

But because the word Messiah refers to Jesus, scholars use the word "Messiah" to refer to the Jewish promised, which is made from the Hebrew word "Mashiah" according to the Latin pronunciation



[1] - وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِنْ بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ أَنَّ الْأَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ. surah anbiya.105

[2] - Holy Bible, Kitab Haji Nabi, p. 1367, chapter 2, paragraphs 6-9, quoted by Mouud Nameh, p. 232.

[3] - Holy Bible, Book of Daniel the Prophet, p. 1309, chapter 12, paragraphs 1-12, quoted from Mouad Nameh, p. 232.

[4] - Tawfighi, Hossein, Getting to know the great religions, pp. 125 and 124, Samt Organization, Tehran, 2016.


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