Reasons for Capturing the Spy nest (Embassy) of the USA

Create: 11/04/2023 - 07:33
دریافت ویدئو

The US embassy was captured by students following the line of the Imam on 4 - 11 - 1979. After 444 days, its employees were freed by the Algerian Treaty and the issue ended. Here are the most important causes of this incident:

  1. . US interference in Iran's internal affairs:

  2. America's interference in Iran's affairs after the Islamic Revolution. Fear of a coup against it. Jeopardizing Iran's territorial integrity. The above factors added to the pessimism of students towards the US.

  3. Acceptance of the Shah (King) by the American government:

    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi went to America from Egypt on 22 - 10 - 1979. Despite the request of the people and the government of Iran to hand him over for trial, the American government ignored it. America suppressed the protest of Iranian students to this in America.

  4.  America's conspiracies against the new Islamic Government:

    On 1 - 11 - 1979, Mehdi Bazargan, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government, and Ebrahim Yazdi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor of the US President Carter, without the permission of Imam Khomeini, during the celebrations of Algeria's independence. The publication of that news created a new idea of the existence of a conspiracy by the US among the Iranian people. The public opinion of Iran considered separatist and counter-revolutionary movements such as the Turkmen movement of the Sahara and Kurdistan to be the conspiracies of foreigners, especially America.

The victory of the Islamic revolution in 1980   January, the American government did not stop interfering in Iran's affairs. They used all their facilities and connections to defeat the nascent Iranian revolution or at least create a deviation in it. Therefore, during 9 months, from 11 - 2 - 1979 to 4 - 11 - 1979, conspiratorial movements took place in various parts of the country. Such as Khuzestan, Kurdistan, Gonbad, Azerbaijan, etc. Under titles such as: "Arab people", "Kurds people", "Turkmen people” and “Turk people ". Since the hand of the US was clearly seen in these events, the students following the line of the Imam, inspired by the announcement of the positions and words of the Imam, who called the students to be vigilant against the United States. In a unique action, they conquered the place that was the center of publication of all the negative interference that was thrown into the political and social atmosphere  of Iran at that time.

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