Visit of the Women of the Emmigrants & Ansar to Fatemah (s.a.) and her Speech

11:14 - 2016/03/10

It is quoted in the book Al Ehtijaj of Shaikh Tabarsi from Suwaid bin Ghaflah, that when Fatemah (s.a.) lay on her death-bed, the women of the Emmigrants and Ansar came to visit her and said, "O daughter of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) ! How did you dawn with  this illness of yours"? Fatemah (s.a.) praised and glorified Allah (s.w.t.) and sent salutations upon her father (s.a.w.s.) and then said, "I dawned, by Allah (s.w.t.), while detesting this world of yours', displeased with your men. Then I tested them under my teeth and spitted them out, then I assessed them and hated them. How ugly is that a sharp thing (sword or dagger) may turn blunt ! (Their fervour during the initial days of Islam and their present sluggishness). How ugly is the game after great endevour (Their resistance in the beginning and theirindifference now). How ugly is the striking (of a sword) upon a smooth stone. (You are striving futilely and wasting your energy). How ugly is the breaking of the point of the lance. How ugly is the  entering of doubt and falsity in one’s views. How ugly is the lapsein desires. Surely evil is that which their selves have sent before for them, for Allah's wrath is on them, and in torment shall they abide.[232] And there was no other way except to forego the reins (of Caliphate & Fadak) into their necks, and its heavy load has been cast upon their backs, and I put its usurpation upon them. Thus may devastation, destruction be upon them, and away with the unjust people. [233] Woe be to them ! To where have they shifted Caliphate from the firm and strong status of Prophethood and the basis of Apostleship and its proofs ? And which is a place of the descending of the Trustworthy Spirit (Jibra'eel), and the Caliphate has been snatched away from the one who was most experienced regarding the affairs of the world as well as the hereafter. That is a loss (which


[232]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Maedah : 80

[233]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Hood : 44

is) manifest.[234] What was the reason for taking revenge from Abul Hasan Ali (a.s.) ? They have revenged, by Allah (s.w.t.), his sword that was lifted upon the fallacious ones, and because he did not fear death, and for he sweeped of the fallacious ones off their feet, and his destroying the enemies in the battlefield, and his valour in the way of Allah(s.w.t.). By Allah ! If he (Imam Ali) had attained the position (of Caliphate), the people would not have declined to accept the right path and the apparent evidences of Allah (s.w.t.). And he would have returned them back to the (Right) path and would have prepared them to pave that path. And he would have dealt with them with kindness and gentleness and people would not ever face difficulty, nor would they be tired or dejected. And he would have taken them to a pleasant and pure stream where they could drink the water to their utter satisfaction, whose both banks are filled with abundant water free from any filth, and he would have returned them satiated. He would have councelled them openly and in secret and become their well-wisher. And he would not have spent a least from the treasury nor multiplied his own wealth. And he would not have gained any benefit from the world except to the extent (of a quantity needed) for quenching his thirst, and eating a morsel of food like a caretaker of the orphans (he would only have contended himself by utilising such water & food that would be necessaryto quench his thirst and satisfy his hunger, as a care-taker of an orphan does). And it would have become clear who is abstinent and who is inclined towards the world, while the honest from the liar. And if the people of the towns had believed and guarded (themselves against evil), We would have opened up for them blessings from the heavens and the earth, but they


[234] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Haj : 11

belied, so We seized them for what they did earn. [235] And (for) those of these who did injustice, soon shall befall unto them the evils what they did earn. [236] Then come and listen. Then the world shall show you vanity until you are alive, then if you wonder, it is because their talks are wonderful. I wish I knew upon what strong basis did these men act and upon what they relied. And upon what pillar have they rested upon, and what rope have they clinged to, and towards whose family they committeddisrespect and oppression. Verily evil is the lord, and evilcertainly is the associate. [237] Evil for the unjust would be the exchange.[238]And by Allah ! They have clinged to the low and base people and left the worthy & competent ones. May they be humiliated ! They think that they have done something good after spreading mischief. Beware ! Verily they are the mischief-mongers but they perceive (it) not. [239]What then has befallen you, how (ill) you judge.[240] Beware ! By my life ! This evil character of yours has matured, then wait and watch the consequences thereof. Then you shall milk blood andpoison instead of milk, here the evildoers shall be the losers. Those to come will witness


[235]Holy Qur’an, Surah al A’araf : 96

[236] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Zumar : 51

[237] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Haj : 13

[238]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Kahf : 50

[239] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Baqarah : 12

[240]Holy Qur’an, Surah al Yunus : 35  

and realize the consequences of those who had established this (injustice & oppression). Thus rejoice at this attainment of yours, and await the advent of mishief, and have good news of the sharp swords, and the severe oppression of the mighty ones, and the pranks. And I give you good news of the tyrants who shall take control upon the public property and leave but a little for you, and because of them being wretched, none will be able to spend from it. They shall unleash a wave of mass slaughter,[241] Alas upon you ! Where are you wandering ? And it has been made obscure unto you, shall we compel you to (accept) it while you be averse from it”? [242]


[241] How true has Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) predicted, the Muslims of Emigrants & Ansar remained silent spectators while the rights of Ahlulbait (a.s.) were being usurped. Did they not oppose the tyrants either by word or deed, and willingly accepted their rule, but very soon they realized the folly of their actions. After the passing away of the first two caliphs, the Bani Umayyah came to power and gradually the period of bloodshed & slaughter of Muslims started that continues till day. One should not forget the battles of Jamal, Siffeen & Naharwan, and the command byMu’awiyah to Busr bin Artat to slaughter the Muslims in Kufah & Basrah. Then the heart-rending episode of Karbala, followed by the incident of Harrah wherein seven hundred Qur’anic memorizers of the Quraish, Muhajereen, Ansar and ten thousand common people were by slaughtered by the orders of Yazid. The same policy was adopted by the rulers of Bani Marwan and Bani Abbas who shed the blood of Muslims without any legal justification. This tyranny and bloodshed continues upon the earth until now and all the responsibility of it lies on the neck of the foremost ones, who willingly accepted the rule of the tyrants and flung themselves into the pit of everlasting perdition & disgrace.

[242] Holy Qur’an, Surah al Hood : 28  

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan