Short posts

The Black Friday of 1978, a Beginning to an End

The Black Friday of 1978, a Beginning to an End
10:06 - 2021/09/07

Shouting, moaning, and crying were mixed with the sound of the shooting. The smell of blood, smoke, and gunpowder filled the air. The real number of casualties is unknown. According to Michele Foucault around 4000 people were shot that day.


07:59 - 2021/08/26
The Goal of Creation

The Goal of Creation
13:55 - 2021/08/24
There Is no Return After Death!

There Is no Return After Death!
10:57 - 2021/08/03


NASA's Image of Human Cell

NASA's Image of Human Cell
10:37 - 2021/08/03
Dividing One's Time Into Four Parts

Imam Kadhim (as)
12:39 - 2021/08/01
Creation of Man

Creation of Man
18:14 - 2021/07/28
Mustard Seed

Mustard Seed
13:18 - 2021/07/27
What We Need to Know About Drug Addiction

 What We Need to Know About Drug Addiction
08:23 - 2021/07/06

Drugs are the source of many social crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery.

Be supportive to your wife

Be supportive to your wife
11:29 - 2021/06/29

Women always want their husband to be supportive of them, and they care about this very much.

Why an illegitimate child does not inherit from his parents?

Why an illegitimate child does not  inherit from his parents?
09:05 - 2021/06/26

Imam Sadiq (as) has been reported to have said,

An illegitimate child is just like any other person. He will be rewarded for a good deed and will be punished for a bad deed.

Was Zoroaster [Zartosht] a Divine Prophet?

09:11 - 2021/06/19

Based on the widely held view, Zoroaster was a prophet of Allah whose religion came under distortion later on.
