Short posts

Is lobster, clam, oyster and octopus halal?

sea food
15:25 - 2017/01/11

Eating lobster, clam, oyster and octopus is haram. According to ... 

Imam Khamenei's message on the passing away of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani

11:41 - 2017/01/09

The loss of Hashemi, a comrade, a companion with whom one has cooperated and felt close to for a full fifty-nine years, is difficult and overwhelming.

How not to be remiss in offering the prayer?

08:51 - 2017/01/08

Weakness of will and lack of true understanding of leaving prayer are two reasons of being remiss of the prayer.

Islamic unity; a threat to Zionist network

Muslims unity
18:40 - 2016/12/22

If Muslims are united, global powers will not be able to beat the drum of their power anymore.

How can we escape from satanic temptation?

11:17 - 2016/12/04

Satan cannot harm the human, when he does not have any foothold in human's heart actually when we don't leave the remembrance of Allah.

Night Prayer

salat al-lail
11:04 - 2016/12/04

Say the night prayer to reach this world and hereafter.

What is more important than Pray to hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A)?

11:03 - 2016/12/04

Steadfast in religion is more important than Pray to hasten the reappearance.

9th of Rabi'!

11:00 - 2016/12/04

It is better to express virtues and values of Ahl al-Bayt instead of insulting.

Mercy or anger? Forgiveness or punishment?

13:12 - 2016/12/03

Not only the number of punishment's verses are less than the number of mercy's verses, but the mercy is the base about Allah.

Adam Eve's children

14:37 - 2016/11/24

Adam Eve's children have got marride to Hoor.

Prayer & Disinclination!

13:08 - 2016/11/24

Not knowing the philosophy of prayer and getting used to be remiss, prevent us from realizing the vitality in worship.


13:02 - 2016/11/24

the slogan of the faithful should be the "silence".
