
10:54 - 2022/06/18




Thanksgiving: After each prayer, Mr. Lotfi goes to prostration and says: "Shukran, Shukran, Shukran" means "God, I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful". This prostration is called the prostration of gratitude. It is not obligatory, but it has many rewards. And it is done out of gratitude for God's blessings. Mr. Lotfi has been doing the prostration of gratitude since he was a teenager. He learned this from the clergyman of their mosque.

God loves the prostration of his servants. When a servant says prayers and then prostrates in gratitude for God's blessings, God is proud of him and then shows that servant to us (angels).

And then he says, O angels, look at this servant of mine, he performed his obligatory prayer and then he prostrated in gratitude for the blessings that I have given him. I also benefit him from my mercy and grace.



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