Rich man and a strange dream

12:48 - 2022/06/28

Rich man and a strange dream It teaches the dear children that it should never be treated proudly with others, and the advice of sympathetic people must be accepted. 




Rich man and a strange dream

Rich man

Rich man :It teaches the dear children that it should never be treated proudly by others, and the advice of sympathetic people must be accepted.

Greetings to the fragrant flowers in the house; Dear boys and girls, clean and tidy. My dear friends! How are your little ones tonight? Are you okay? Did you guys really help your mom and dad today? Did you listen to them? I hope so! Well, my good guys! Would you like to hear another sweet story together? So, let's go to the beautiful city of stories together and hear a story. If you are ready, count to three: one ... two ... three…!

In ancient times, in a distant city lived a rich and proud man. He had a very big house; many servants were doing the work of that house.

One day when a rich man was walking in the yard, he saw a horse that could not walk easily, so he went to the horse and looked at it, then shouted loudly and said:

Who did this horse like that? Why can't walk anymore?

One of the men working in his house was a blacksmith. He made horseshoes.

When the blacksmith heard the voice, he came to the rich man and lowered his head and said: O my master! He accidentally hit a big nail in the foot of this horse while My student was making the horseshoe of the horse; This has injured her leg and she has not been able to walk easily for some times.

The rich man was upset when he heard this and slapped the blacksmith hard on the face. Then he said angrily: Take your student's hand and leave this house!

When the poor man heard this, he took his student's hand and left the house. One of the servants, who was an old woman and had been working in their house for many years, came to the rich man and said: You did not do a good job by beating the blacksmith! You have brought dishonor to him before everyone, God does not like a servant who don't care about people's honor.

The rich man shouted loudly and said: I understand everything myself, there is no need to tell me what is right and what is wrong! Now, if you do not like it, leave this house.

When the poor old woman heard this, she lowered her head, picked up the small bag she had left in her room, and left the house.

After that day, the rich man, who was also very binge-eating, ate his supper, got up without giving thanks, and left. A few minutes later, the rich and proud man fell into a deep sleep.

 He dreamed that he was a child again, suddenly her little sis, who was playing in the house, her foot hit the book and the page of the book was torn. The rich man, who was now a little boy, was very upset because he knew his father would punish him.

He got up to hide the book in the corner, but before that, Dad entered the room and saw the torn book in his hand. The little boy quickly said to his father: I was doing my homework when the little sister ran, and her foot got stuck in my book and it was torn, when his father heard this, he slapped him hard.

The little boy, who was in great pain, ran quickly to the yard. He saw the old woman who had worked in their house for years, He hurried toward her and asked her to help him, but the old woman said to him: I will not help you; Because you fired me for defending the blacksmith.

Didn't you just say that the blacksmith is to blame for his student's mistake! Now you have to be punished to understand that you should not punish anyone for another mistake!

The rich man woke up when he heard this. His whole body was sweating. He realized his mistake. She decided to go to the blacksmith and the old woman's house tomorrow morning and apologize to them for his mistake.

Yes, my friends! We saw together how a rich and proud man realized his mistake. Children, it is good to know that a person has no right to ever know himself better than others, or to be upset with someone for another's mistake and to do something that leads to disgrace, someone.

My dear children! Our good prophet, one day when he was near the house of God, looked at him and said: "A man of faith is more respected than you.[1] So we must be aware that we must respect everyone.

Well, this story is over and I have to say goodbye to you as always. I hope I can come to you once again with another story.


[1]- Bahar-Alanwar, Volume 64

 The rich man and a strange dream

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