Control tower

08:57 - 2022/08/09

The need for criticism is so great that it can even be said: "A wise person does not wait for others to criticize him, but he himself looks for benevolent friends and asks them to find his mistakes and warn him

Control tower

Control tower

Control tower

instructions of the control tower that reaches the pilot are very necessary

everyone was scared; The passengers were suddenly faced with strong shaking of the plane. after some ups and downs, their fear increased when the pilot announced: "One of the plane's engines has encountered a problem .communication with the control tower has been cut off. we need prayers of passengers for a safe and secure landing.

 As the instructions of the control tower and the information that reaches the pilot are very necessary ,and without them, the safety of the flight is jeopardized; A knowledgeable and insightful person always needs communication with sympathetic and benevolent critics. A person who is afraid of criticism and runs away from it,is like the plane above.

 The need for criticism is so great that it can even be said: "A wise person does not wait for others to criticize him. but he himself looks for benevolent friends and asks them to find his mistakes and warn him."

 Remember: a safe flight is a flight under the control of the watchtower.

Quran says:

And admonish, for admonition indeed benefits the faithful. ( Quran 51. 55)




 Remember: a safe flight is a flight under the control of the watchtower.

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