Etiquette of visiting the patient

20:16 - 2022/08/01

The visitor should not bother the patient and other hospitalized patients and the patient's companions by sitting too much beside the patient's bed.

The patient needs comfort and maybe in the presence of others in order to respect them he falls into hardship.

meeting's etiquette


Etiquette of visiting the patient

Giving gifts to each other increases the love and devotion between friends and relatives, but bringing a gift for the patient, in addition to what has been said, is a sign of the visitor's interest in the recovery and health of the patient and can refresh the patient's soul

One of the friends of Imam Sadiq (a.s) says: One of his friends got ill and some of us, some of the Imam's friends, went to visit him. On the way, we met Imam Sadiq (a.s), he said: Where are you going? We said: We are going to visit so-and-so. he said: Stand up, we stood up. He said: Does one of you have an apple or a bergamot or Quince or a bit of perfume or a piece of oud wood for incense? We said: We do not have any of these with us. He said: Don't you know that the patient gets peace by receiving a gift!

Another Etiquette of visiting the patient is to be light and brief. The visitor should not bother the patient and other hospitalized patients and the patient's companions by sitting too much beside the patient's bed.

The patient needs comfort and maybe in the presence of others in order to respect them he falls into hardship. So, you should avoid prolonging the visit time. And he should sit next to the patient enough to make his heart happy.

The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said: "a short visit is more rewarding".[1]



[1] - Motaghi Hendi, Kanzal-Amal, vol. 9, p. 7.

Etiquette of meeting the patient

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