woman's reward

11:58 - 2022/08/21

A believing woman who serves her husband and children for God's sake is always worshiping and all her deeds are being saved for her. Know your value and be diligent and cheerful in the service of God Almighty.

woman's reward

When a woman becomes pregnant


woman's reward

One day, Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to the Prophet and offered:

O Messenger of God! Men made all the good things their own; So, what is left for the women?

so, the prophet sead:

"When a woman becomes pregnant, she is like a fasting person who prays at night and a mujahid in the cause of Allah, who has fought jihad with her wealth and life;

Whenever gave birth to it, no one can understand its reward [due to the intensity of its greatness]

Whenever she breastfeeds her child, for every sip that her child takes, she is rewarded like the reward of freeing the children of Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him)

Whenever the baby is finished breastfeeding, a dear angel gently touches his side and says: "Resume your action [in life]; Because you are forgiven.[1]

Yes, dears! A believing woman who serves her husband and children for God's sake is always worshiping and all her deeds are being saved for her. Know your value and be diligent and cheerful in the service of God Almighty.



[1] - Wasa'il al-Shia. Volume 21, 451

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