The Divine exams

12:47 - 2022/08/25
The Divine exams

our mentality about divine exams

Divine exams

Wow, I have an exam tomorrow, I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I hope that the questions are not to be difficult. And the police officer not to be strict. And…

All of us have been through such situations and have taken many exams throughout our lives.

The initial view of all of us on the exam is a negative and pessimistic view, which means that no one likes the exam!

Because we consider the exam to be a kind of catching someone red-handed and scandal. [Of course, if we are not ready for it]

Many of us have the same mentality in divine exams; We think he is making a case for his servants so that on the day of the announcement of the results [Doomsday] he will announce our renewal or rejection and send us to hell!

We think he is making a frame-up for his servants to announce our results of failure or acceptance and send us to hell!

But if we change our perspective a little and look at these tests correctly, we will find that: the occurrence of divine tests is not for the purpose of catching humans red-handed, but it's for the purpose of evolution of humans.

Divine exams

For example, a martial artist does not know his weaknesses until he competes; A driver does not realize his driving defects until he takes the test and causes heavy damage to himself and others and…

And a believer also doesn't realize his moral vices and weaknesses until he participates in the divine tests, and maybe because of this "not knowing" and "negligence," he will be caught in big mistakes that will result in hellfire.

Divine tests are divine grace, let's appreciate them.


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