Fire and cotton

13:41 - 2022/08/23

men and women are like iron and magnet or fire and cotton, and therefore observing the limits of the Mahram and non-Mahram is for the benefit of both of them.

Fire and cotton

Mahram and Non- Mahram are like fire and cotton


Fire and cotton

One of the covenants that the Messenger of God took from women when pledging their allegiance was that they should never approach non-Mahram men and not be with them in private places.[1]

This ruling is also a good indication of the duty of Muslim women because according to a narration from Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him):

Whenever a man and a woman(ilegal) are in a secluded place, the third person will be Satan."[2]

Let's remember: men and women are like iron and magnet or fire and cotton, and therefore observing the limits of the Mahram and non-Mahram is for the benefit of both of them.

In the battle between fire and cotton, cotton will undoubtedly burn and perish; Cotton cannot make friends with it; Cotton cannot ask the fire not to burn it.

Therefore, if we are forced to be with a non-mahram man in a private place, we should avoid any attractive behavior and charming words as much as possible because even if we have no intention, this behavior is like pouring gasoline on cotton. so, it is known what will happen!



[1] - Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 519.

[2] - Man La Yahdrah al-Faqih, vol. 3, p. 252.

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