accepted pray

13:48 - 2022/12/10


accepted pray

accepted pray: Golnar has come to visit Hazrat Abdulazim with his parents. He is praying now. He says to God: "God! Give my friend Somayah a beautiful bicycle. God! Make my classmate Farzana understand math in a better way. God! Improve the morals of my aunt's daughter. When Gulnar prays, she doesn't just think about herself, she prays for everyone.

Praying for others is a perfect thing. Praying for others is accepted sooner. God loves this kind of prayer. When someone prays for his religious brothers and sisters, God sends one of us (angels) to accompany him. After the prayer of that servant of God, that angel says: "Amen", whatever you want for others, may God give you also.

accepted pray

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