bothering others

09:37 - 2022/12/07


bothering others

bothering others

bothering others: Mr. Mousavi went to the mosque every night, but he doesn't want to go to the mosque tonight. Do you know why? Because he has eaten garlic and his mouth smells bad. If he goes to the mosque, his bad breath will bother others. There is nothing wrong with eating garlic, but one who eats garlic should not go to the mosque. He should not bother others with his bad breath. People hate the smell of garlic.

We (angels) do not like the smell of garlic. The smell of garlic also bothers us. I wonder if you eat garlic and don't come to the mosque. otherwise, the bad breath of your mouth will annoy people. If you come to the mosque, the bad breath of your mouth will also bother our angels.

bothering others

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