righteous person

10:58 - 2022/12/06


righteous person

righteous person

righteous person: Afsaneh never lies. she never talks behind someone's back. she never uses swear-words. she never screams at his parents. she never breaks anyone's heart with his words. she never laughs at anyone's height, appearance, accent, clothes, and handwriting. she hates these and other sins.

she never likes to commit sin. she does not like to do bad things. she does not like to do what God does not like. she knows that sin keeps a person away from heaven. she knows that sin makes a person enter hell.

In our opinion, (angels) too, sin is very bad. Sin has many disadvantages. That's why we always ask people not to sin. Every day one of us shouts: "O servants of God! Avoid sin and disobedience to God. Avoid sin and disobedience to God."

righteous person



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