Holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS)

11:13 - 2022/12/14


Holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS)

The holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS)

Holy shrine: Hasti and his parents have come to Najaf to visit the grave of Imam Ali (AS). The city of Najaf is located in Iraq. Every year, millions of Muslims come to this city and kiss the shrine of the Amir-Almoamenin (AS) and visit the shrine. Imam Ali (AS), son-in-law of the Prophet, and was the successor of the Prophet (PBUH) and his best soldier. God gives many rewards to his pilgrims.

We angels also love and respect the pilgrims of Hazrat Ali (AS). When someone comes to visit him, we welcome him. When he returns to his home after the pilgrimage, we accompany him until he reaches home. Even if he gets sick later, we will visit him.

Holy shrine


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