Encourage learning

08:27 - 2022/12/17


Encourage learning

Encourage learning

Encourage learning|: Zahra studies at Hazrat Amina's school. He is in the fifth grade of primary school. Zahra goes to school early in the morning and returns home at noon. His brother Nader is also studying at Boali Sina school.

He is in the third grade of primary school. He also goes to school early every morning and comes to the house exactly at the call to prayer. Good for these two who study every day and increase their knowledge.

We angels know the value and importance of knowledge. There are two of us (angels) at everyone's door whose job is to encourage learning. When someone comes out of the house, they say to him: "Either be a scientist, or be a learner of knowledge, and don't be anything other than these two."

Encourage learning

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