Khadijah (PBUH) and the women of Mecca

12:12 - 2022/12/18


Khadijah (PBUH) and the women of Mecca

Khadijah (PBUH) and the women of Mecca

Khadijah: On the 20th day of Jumadi al-Thani, while five years had passed since the Prophet's mission, a baby girl was born, who gave more spirituality to the luminous house of the Holy Prophet and gave that magnificent gathering a special freshness.

The beloved Prophet was so ecstatic and delighted with the existence of this baby that he said: "This girl is my soul, and I can smell the fragrance of heaven from her."[1]

One day, Mufadzil bin Amr asked Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him: O son of the Prophet! How was your mother Fatima's birthday?

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: Yes, when Khadijah married the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him), the women of Mecca left him alone, they did not go to him, and they gave her cold shoulder. They did not allow any woman to go to him and inquire about his condition.

This critical situation and loneliness made her sad and terrified until she became pregnant with Fatimah.

After that, Fatima (peace be upon him) spoke to from mother's womb and comforted Khadija.

Khadija kept this secret and did not even tell the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, until one day the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came home and heard the conversation between this mother and her daughter. He asked: O Khadijah! Who are you talking to? Khadija said: This fetus has spoken to me and has accompanied me in lonely moments.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: O Khadijah! It is Gabriel who gives me the good news that this fetus is a girl and that she will have a pure and blessed generation and that God, the Blessed and Exalted, will continue my generation through her, and from her descendants will be the infallible imams.

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) continued his speech and added: Yes, Khadija was still familiar with her fetus in the womb until the time of her child's birth. she sent a message to the Quraysh women: "Help me in this matter." They did not accept and said: You opposed us in marrying Muhammad, and today we will withhold our support and nursing from you.

Khadija was upset and heartbroken by this statement. But God Almighty sent four heavenly women to help that lady of faith in order to appreciate the efforts of Hazrat Khadijah (peace be upon him). They came, but Khadija was surprised to see those unknown women; One of them introduced himself and her companions as follows: O Khadijah! We are God's messengers to serve you, and I, Sarah, and this, Asiyeh- who is your companion in heaven - and the other, Maryam, the daughter of Imran, and the last lady is the mother of all humans and our mother Eve. God has sent us to give you a warm welcome.



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