Satan will Run with all his Strength at the End of Time

10:28 - 2023/01/08


Satan will Run with all his Strength at the End of Time

Satan will Run with all his Strength at the End of Time

 As the end of time is near the destruction of Iblis or satan, he will use all his efforts to delay the emergence and misguidance of people. These issues will flourish so much in the end of time that when the heavenly call is raised in favour of the Imam of the time (peace be upon him), a shout from the devil is also heard that some people confuse right and wrong.

Hazrat Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said about the time of his appearance and its sign:

A herald calls out the name of Qaim "Ajl Allah Ta'ala Farja Al-Sharif".

I asked:

Do some or all hear this call?

Hazrat said:

"Everyone! Each nation hears in its own language.


I asked: In spite of this, who else opposes His Holiness, while his name has been called out and there is no doubt about his authenticity?


Hazrat said:

Iblis will not let them go until he gives another call at the end of the night. So people have doubts.[1]


According to the above hadith, Satan is doing different ways through the media, killing important who fighting for the appearance of Imam Mahdi, those who saved people’s rights and many others.


Satan will Run with all his Strength at the End of Time


We should be awear all these satanic actions so that won’t be against the Imam of the time while thinking what we are doing is right yet it's wrong.


[1] Kamal al-Din and Tamma Al-Neema, vol. 2, p. 650.


It's about the end of time when satan will run away with his strength to mislead people.

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