Some of the important goals of God from sending prophets

15:02 - 2023/02/20

The best way to guide all mankind is to follow the path of the prophets

Some of the important goals of God from sending prophets

congratulation all the Muslims and free people of the world on Eid-ul-Mabath(that the Prophet of Islam was chosen as the last prophet of God at the age of 40(

Mabath means to choose. It means the choice of God's chosen man - who is a divine messenger - and this choice is accompanied by his connection with the eternal source of divine knowledge and power; This occurrence is a great phenomenon of mission and prophecy;

Almighty God has many goals for sending prophets" for instance in quran he says

وَ لَقَد بَعَثنا فی کُلِّ اُمَّةٍ رَسولًا اَنِ اعبُدُوا اللهَ وَ اجتَنِبُوا الطّاغوت؛[1]
And in truth, We raised among every nation a messenger [to say:] "Worship God and avoid the Taghut [tyrant]

." ...

  1. monotheism
    So the first purpose of sending prophets is monotheism. Monotheism means a person who believes in one God and also believes that all affairs are in the hands of God in all dimensions.

Monotheist tries to satisfy his god by doing his affairs, according to god's commands. not different between economic affairs, science, morality, education, and working.

so in all segments, he tries to do his role correctly. because of respecting god's commands.

Of course, you know that monotheism does not only mean that a person believes in his mind that God is one and not two; Well, yes, this is also the case, but monotheism is in an important sense, which means divine sovereignty; Monotheism means the absolute sovereignty of the Lord over the world of legislation and the world of creation - both - which should be considered as a valid divine order; In the world of creation - in all the events of existence.

In Surah A'raf and also in Surah Hud, it is said from the mouth of several great prophets such as Noah, Hud, Saleh and others like Shoayb:

[2]«یٰقَومِ ‌اعبُدُوا اللهَ ‌ما لَکُم ‌مِن ‌اِلٰه غَیرُه».

O my people! worship Allah: Ye have no other god but Him.

  1. avoid the Taghut [tyrant]

Taghut is a Quranic word that means rebellious and transgressor. Especially religious and moral limits.

Disbelief in tyranny means the domination systems in the world. _like same the domination systems in the world_

there are several meanings for the word taghut, including Satan, sorcerer, rebellious human and jinn, idols and what is worshiped instead of God, which is the basis of idolatry and misguidance of people.[3]

  1. Humanity Purification

That is, the spiritual purification of people from pollution and degrading

  1. Human education
  2. Establishment of justice
  3. Human spiritual and material calmness
  4. Safety of living environment and human welfare
  5. Spiritual evolution and spiritual ascension of man
  6. These goals are very significant

The above goals are very important and significant.

How are these goals achieved?

It requires extensive planning for social relations. That is, if the Prophet of Islam, the Prophet of Truth, the Messenger of God in any age wants to achieve these goals, he must create social relations in accordance with these goals. The second issue is political power. It means that these social relations cannot be created by an isolated person or a consultant who only advises people; Power is needed, political power is needed. Therefore, missions are associated with both great political power and extensive planning to achieve these goals.


    So, with the coming of the Prophet, a political system will be created, that is, the goal is to create a political system


[1] -1) Surah Nahl, verse 36

[2] -Surah Hud verse 84

[3] - Refer to Tabari's commentary, section of Surah Nisa: 51

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