What are the sins of the eye?

08:57 - 2023/05/09

Among the organs of the body, the eye has a special place and most of the human's relationship with the surrounding environment is made using this organ

What are the sins of the eye?

What are the sins of the eye? And what should be done to get rid of eye sins?

Among the organs of the body, the eye has a special place and most of the human's relationship with the surrounding environment is made using this organ, however, it has been stated in the traditions that the eye has the least gratitude among the organs of the body. (I.e. more sins are committed by it).

Imam Ali (AS) said: "The eye is the least grateful among the body parts, so do not respond to its demands, which will take you away from the remembrance of God." [1]

Therefore, it is ordered to stay away from the sins that are committed through the eyes. Some of the sins of the eye are:

Looking at the Non-Mahram

Those kind of looks that are contaminated with the impermissible, which may lead a person to sin and illicit relationships, are forbidden in the Islamic religion and are introduced as poisoned arrows of the devil[2]

An angry look at people of faith

In the hadiths, the believer's respect is placed in the same line as respect for the Prophet (PBUH), the Qur'an and the Kaaba; therefore, looking at him respectfully is a reward, while looking at him angrily is considered a sin. [3]

A regretful look at the facilities and property of others

In Islam, it is permissible to collect wealth and capital in compliance with Sharia standards, and having wealth is not abhorrent, but it is not proper to be worldly and prefer this world over the hereafter, as well as to coveting other people's property. Islam advises us to compare our situation with people who have less means than us and not with those who have more property.



[1]- [1 ] Tamimi Amadi, Abd al-Wahed bin Muhammad, Tasnif Gharr al-Hakm wa Darr al-Kalam , Mohaqeq, Corrector, Draiti, Mustafa, p. 190, Qom, Islamic Propaganda Office, first edition, 1366.

[2]- Barqi, Abu Ja'far Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Khalid, al- Mahasen , researcher, corrector, muhadith, Jalal al-Din, vol. 1, p. 109, Qom, Dar al-Katb al-Islamiyya, second edition, 1371 AH.

[3]- https://www.islamquest.net/fa/archive/question/fa11917

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