The status of parents in Islamic traditions

12:53 - 2016/04/06

It is a brief analysis of imam Sadig's sayings regarding parents concerning the western people's treatment towards parents.

The status of parents in Islamic traditions

The sixth infallible Imam Sadiq (the truthful) is one of the most outstanding figures, throughout the Islamic history, who thought Islamic teachings to thousands of people during his blissful life. Now a days when we study the sayings of this Imam, we take many important lessons from this Infallible Imam (A) which help and guide us to live a better life.

Here, we are going to have a brief look at some of his meaning full narrations concerning some moral and ethical issues. The holy Imam (A) says "If you would like Allah to increase your lifespan then please your parents" [1] Imam (A) emphasizes the role of parents in our life saying that if a person pleases his parents then Almighty Allah (J) would increase his lifespan.

Unfortunately now a days, in the western societies, people put their parents in the nursing home while they are not willing to end up there. Because parents love their children, and they do their best to bring them up in order to live with them in the old age not to be put in the nursing home separated from their family members. It absolutely doesn’t please the parents; rather, it breaks their hearts while they need be looked after by their children during their old ages.   

Studying the Islamic traditions, especially, the sayings of Imam Sadiq (A) we understand that how important is to please our parents, whereas, unfortunately the people of modern world do not take care of their parents during their old age. In the holy Quran and traditions of the prophet Mohammad (P) as well as the infallible Imams (A) it has been emphasized to respect the parents and please them through different means as possible.       

[1] Hussain ibn Saiid, Ketaab Zohd (زهد ), p33, Hadith 87.  إنْ أحْبَبْتَ أنْ یَزِیدَ اللهُ في عُمرِكَ فَسُرَّ أبَوَیْكَ

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