"The capture of the Den of Espionage

Create: 11/05/2022 - 09:18
دریافت ویدئو

The capture of the Den of Espionage 

the capture of Den of Espionage: A review of the events of 4 November. The first event that can be mentioned is the exile of Imam Khomeini (RA) from Iran to Turkey in 1964. After the strong protest of Imam Khomeini against the policies of the Pahlavi government and the revelation about the capitulation bill. Pahlavi regime agents broke into Imam's house at night and took him to Tehran and from there to Turkey. This news made people angry and protested. People protested in the market of Tehran. Seminaries also closed their lessons for a long time. After eleven months, Savak transferred Imam to Iraq and his exile in Iraq lasted for 13 years. Imam Khomeini left for France in October 1978.

and during his four-month stay in France He led the Islamic revolution until the victory. The second important event took place on November 4, 1978. On this day, dozens of students, who came to the campus of Tehran University to demonstrate against the imperial regime were the target of the shooting of Shah's agents and were martyred. In this incident, that happened during the Sharif Imami government. Due to the closing of the university doors the students could not leave the campus

And their casualties increased. From that day on, this day, was called Student's Day. Another event that happened on this day in 1979 was The Capture Of The Den Of Espionage in Tehran. On this date, the American embassy in Tehran was surrounded by a number of protesting students. They realized that many conspiracies, against the Islamic revolution, were directed from this building, and under the guise of the embassy. The documents of these events were also discovered here. That's why this building was called, The Den of Espionage since that date. However, this building was captured. when the United States refused to return the blocked properties, and assets of Iran and hand over the Shah to the Iranian people. Imam Khomeini, called the (RA) capture of the den of espionage, by students the second revolution.






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