successor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)

13:51 - 2022/07/11

Eid al-Ghadir is the day when the prophet introduced the best successor from God to the people, a successor who should be excellent and without mistakes like themselves.

successor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)



A good boss, A good boss in order to become his office better and excellent, thinks of a good deputy so that when the boss goes on a trip or cannot come to work, he will be aware of everything. On the day of Eid al-Ghadir, the Prophet chose a successor for himself so that the Muslims would not be misled.

A good successor of the Prophet: In every office, there is a boss who orders his employees to do things according to his orders. For example, if someone does his work correctly and well, encourage him, or to punish someone who is disordered and does not do his work properly.

A good boss, in order to become his office better and excellent, also thinks of a good deputy who, when the boss goes on a trip or cannot come to work, had everything under his control so that things are done correctly and perfectly.

It's the same in school, a good assistant principal is the deputy of the school principal.

Some days of the year when the school principal is not there, assistant principal must be able to do school works.

If the substitute is weak and unable to do things properly, both the school and the office will fall apart, and people will be upset and angry.

All of us Muslims are like students in a school, our kind manager is our beloved prophet, Eid al-Ghadir is the day when the prophet introduced the best successor from God to the people, a successor who should be excellent and without mistakes like themselves.


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