Why a woman's blood money is half of a man's blood money?

12:07 - 2022/08/24

If Islam values women, then why does it consider her less value than men and consider her blood money half of the men's blood money?

blood money is half of a man's blood money?

Why a woman's blood money is half of a man's blood money?

Blood money

If Islam values women, then why does it consider for her less value than men and consider her blood money half of the men's blood money?

The Diya of men and women is not based on their value, because if the criterion for determining blood money was the value of human beings, then the Diya of a scholar and mujtahid should be higher than that of a worker person (because of the value of his knowledge), or the Diya of a university professor should be higher than the Diya of a school teenager. However, in Islam, even the blood money of the Prophet of God is not more than the blood money of an ordinary person! So it is very clear that these Islamic rulings are not proof that the value of women is less than that of men, but its philosophy is something else.

Since the providing alimony of family is on men and the workforce in most societies is men; With their death, the family (his wife and children) will face a lot of problems, so his Diya is complete.

Men and women in Islam are different from each other in terms of economic duties. These tasks are divided based on the physical and mental strength of men and women. Basically, women are weaker than men in terms of economic efficiency. Even in the present era and even in societies that apparently do not differentiate between men and women, the economic efficiency of men and women is not the same.

And it is obvious that with the loss of a man, more damage is caused to the family, so it is necessary to pay more indemnity for the loss of man.[1]

Also, we should notice: They give the man's Diya to his wife and children because he himself is dead and does not need it! So, in fact, this ruling is in favor of women.

Blood money


[1] - Wasa'il al-Shia, vol. 19, p. 151. Dar-Al ehia al-Torath al-Arabi , Beirut

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