
The Doubt of Contradiction in the "embryological stages" of the Quran and new science! - 2

14:40 - 2024/03/07

In new embryology, it has not been observed that the embryo passes through the stage of “Alaqah” (blood clotting). Hasn't the new science violated the truth of the Quran's scientific propositions here?! What can be meant by the stage of "Alaqah" in the Qur'an?!

The Doubt of Contradiction in the "embryological stages" of the Quran and new science! - 1

13:54 - 2024/03/07

In new embryology, it has not been observed that the embryo passes through the stage of “Alaqah” (blood clotting). Hasn't the new science violated the truth of the Quran's scientific propositions here?! What can be meant by the stage of "Alaqah" in the Qur'an?!

The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 3

14:21 - 2024/03/06

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 2

16:42 - 2024/03/05

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 1

16:35 - 2024/03/05

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

The blessings of heaven

The blessings of heaven
15:43 - 2024/03/04


Quran Verse

Quran Verse
14:14 - 2024/03/02


Paradise, the reward of the righteous

Paradise, the reward of the righteous
16:01 - 2024/02/28

His shall be a pleasing life. 

God's command in verse 22 of Surah Muhammad

God's command in verse 22 of Surah Muhammad
16:22 - 2024/02/26

The Destruction of Israel in the Qur'an

08:58 - 2023/11/18

The Destruction of Israel in the Qur'an

Science from the perspective of the Qur’an

Science from the perspective of the Qur’an
12:03 - 2023/11/12

-is a fascinating topic that explores the relationship between the divine revelation and the natural world. There are many scholars and scientists who have written about this topic from various angles, such as the basic concepts of physics, the necessity of studying the natural sciences, the sciences of the Qur’an, the compatibility of science and religion, and the qur’anic worldview of nature.

Signs of Negligence from the point of view of the Qur'an and the Infallible Imams

10:30 - 2023/11/11

- Neglect is the absence of something from the human mind and not paying attention to it. Sometimes it is also used in the case of inattention and turning away from something. So neglect is the lack of remembering. In the Islamic narrative, many signs and symptoms are mentioned for negligence and the heedless, we mention a few examples:
