Importance and Conditions of Prayers

10:42 - 2015/10/15

Q 337: What is the rule concerning a person who intentionally refrains from performing prayers or someone who belittles prayer?

A: The five daily obligatory prayers are among the most important obligations in Islamic law; rather, they constitute the pillar of the faith. According to shar‘, forsaking their performance or belittling them is ḥarām and one who does so deserves divine punishment.

Q 338: Is performing prayer obligatory for a person who lacks the means of wuḍū’ and tayammum, viz. water and any thing with which doing tayammum is correct?

A: Prayer must be performed on time, according to caution; and afterwards, it is made up in qaḍā’ with wuḍū’ or tayammum.

Q 339: In your esteemed opinion, what are the instances for changing the intention, i.e. to change one’s prayer, during obligatory prayer?

A: Changing one’s intention is obligatory in the following instances:

i. From afternoon to noon prayer, when one realizes during prayer that he/she has not performed the noon prayer.

ii. From ‘ishā’ to maghrib prayer, when one realizes during prayer, and before passing the point for changing one’s intention, that one has not performed the maghrib prayer.

iii. When one is obliged to perform two qaḍā’ prayers that are to be performed in order, but forgetfully begins with the latter before performing the former.

Changing one’s intention is mustaḥabb in the following cases:

i. From an obligatory daily prayer to an obligatory qaḍā’ provided that doing so does not lead to the expiration of the time of merit of the daily prayer.

ii. From an obligatory prayer to a mustaḥabb one for the purpose of joining congregational prayer and getting its reward.

iii. From an obligatory prayer to a recommended one at Friday’s noon by a person who forgot to recite the chapter al-Jumu‘ah and is reading another chapter of which he has recited either half or more. Thus, it is mustaḥabb that he turns from obligatory to recommended prayer so that he may repeat the obligatory prayer including the chapter al-Jumu‘ah.

Q 340: Which one of the following should be done by a person who wants to perform the Friday and the noon prayers together on Friday:

i. Perform each of them for the sake of nearness to Allah without intending that they are obligatory?

ii. Or to offer one of them both for the sake of nearness to Allah and that it is obligatory and the second only for the sake of nearness.

iii. Or perform the both for the sake of nearness to Allah and that they are obligatory as well?

A: Performing each of them with the intention of doing it for the sake of nearness to Allah suffices and it is not necessary to intend that they are obligatory.

Q 341: If the mouth or the nose keeps bleeding from when the time of an obligatory prayer begins until it is about to end, what will be the prayer rule?

A: If one is unable to purify one’s body and fears the expiration of the time of the obligatory prayer, he can perform this prayer in that state.

Q 342: Should the body stand still completely while reciting the mustaḥabb dhikrs of prayers?

A: There is no difference between obligatory and mustaḥabb dhikrs as far as the observing of the obligatory stillness and calmness during prayers is concerned. However, for dhikr which is not said as a part of the prayer, it is possible to say it in moving state.

Q 343: A catheter is put for some patients in hospitals to gather urine. When the catheter is in place the urine comes out of patient’s body unintentionally, whether the patient is asleep, awake, or is performing prayers. In light of this, please answer the following question: Is it obligatory for him to repeat the prayer later, or does the prayer performed in such conditions suffices?

A: His prayer is valid and it is not obligatory for him to repeat it or perform its qaḍā’ if he performs it, in such a condition, in accordance with his real shar‘ī duty.

Practical Laws of Islam