Tarakhkhuṣ Limit

09:57 - 2015/12/30

Q 671: In Germany and some other European countries, the distance between some cities (that is, the distance between the exit sign board of one city and the entry sign board of the other) is not even a hundred meters, and the houses and streets of the two cities are totally connected to one another. What is the tarakhkhuṣ limit in such cases?

  A: Assuming that two cities are connected to each other in the way mentioned in the question, the rule of such cities is similar to that of two localities of one city. Thus, leaving one for the other is not regarded as traveling and there is no need to consider the tarakhkhuṣ limit.

  Q 672: The criterion of the tarakhkhuṣ limit is the visibility of the city’s walls and audibility of its adhān. Are both of them together necessary or one is sufficient?

  A: It is based on caution to observe both the signs, though it is not remote that the inaudibility of the adhān is adequate for determining the tarakhkhuṣ limit.

  Q 673: What is the criterion of the tarakhkhuṣ limit, the audibility of the adhān from the houses of the area in which the traveler first arrives or from the centre of the city?

  A: The criterion is the audibility of the adhān from the city’s end where the traveler leaves the city or enters it.

  Q 674: There is a difference of opinion among the residents of an area concerning the shar‘ī distance. Some believe that the criterion is the walls of the area’s last connected houses. Some others believe that the distance should be calculated from the factories and scattered townships which are located beyond the city’s houses. The question is where does a city end?

  A: The determination of a city’s end depends on the common view. Thus, if the factories and scattered townships are not considered as part of the city, according to the common view, the distance should be calculated from the last houses of the city.

Practical Laws of Islam