The Two Id Prayers

12:44 - 2015/12/26

Q 629: What kind of obligatory duties are the two ‘īd prayers in your opinion?

A: The two ‘īd prayers are not obligatory but mustaḥabb in the present period.

Q 630: Does any increase or decrease in the qunūt of ‘īd prayers make them invalid?

A: Prayers are not invalidated by this if the meaning of increase or decrease is to elongate or shorten the qunūt itself. While if it means increases or decrease in the number of the qunūts, one should offer the ‘īd prayer as it is mentioned within the books of jurisprudence.

Q 631: In the past, every imam of congregational prayers used to perform ‘Īd of Fitr prayers in his masjid. Is it permissible for imams of the masjids in the current period to hold the two ‘īd prayers?

A: It is permissible for the representatives of the Jurist Leader who are permitted by him to hold ‘īd prayers, and also for the Friday prayer imams, who have been appointed by him, to hold ‘īd prayers in congregation during the current period. As for any other individual, it is based on caution to perform them individually, and it does not matter if he performs them in congregation as something hopefully — not surely — desired in Islamic law. If it is deemed exigent that only one ‘īd prayer be held in a city, it is preferable not to be led by anyone other than the Imam of Friday prayer appointed by the Jurist Leader.

Q 632: Is there any qaḍā’ for the ‘Īd of Fiṭr prayer?

A: It does not have any qaḍā’.

Q 633: Does ‘Īd of Fiṭr prayer have any Iqāmah?

A: It does not have any Iqāmah.

Q 634: If an imam of Friday prayer recites Iqāmah for ‘Īd of Fiṭr prayer, what will be the rule of his prayers and that of others who are praying behind him?

A: It harms neither the ‘Īd prayer of the imam nor those of the followers.

Practical Laws of Islam