Islamic lifestyle based on Ghadir's message

12:30 - 2022/07/06

Islamic lifestyle: Ghadir's message for the Islamic lifestyle is knowledge and understanding of monotheism, resurrection, prophethood, imamate, divine justice, and awareness of what is halal and haram as the most fundamental methods in  Islamic management.

Islamic lifestyle based on Ghadir's message

Islamic lifestyle

Islamic lifestyle :

Ghadir is the continuation and completion of the prophetic mission. Ghadir, apart from indicating the path of truth and the high goals of Islam, contains messages in the family, political, social, and cultural fields.

This historical event shows that the guidance and perfection of the society towards growth and goodness depends only on following the commands of God and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). Commandments that bring the highest moral and educational teachings to manage individual and social lifestyles.

Undoubtedly, it is not possible to move on the path of happiness-oriented life without a leader. And this leader - according to Ghadir's message - can only be someone who is connected to the reservoir of divine revelation and have the most complete educational and moral programs.

On the other hand, ignoring Ghadir's messages can lead to the creation of superstitions in the field of religion and community management, and people make decisions for their lives based on sensual tendencies. The institutionalization of such an idea can lead to irreparable risks for the Islamic society in the management of individual, family,, and social life.

Ghadir Islamic lifestyle

The main axis for the implementation of the Islamic lifestyle in the religious society is the human being. Ghadir's message is the humanization and human movement towards happiness and perfection, and this important thing is not possible without clinging to the divine thread and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them)

Therefore, looking at Ghadir only as an Eid and a day, without thinking about the philosophy of Ghadir and its content, is a grave mistake and an irreparable injustice to this great event; As God, the Almighty has clarified this matter and considered the perfection of the religion dependent on the delivery of Ghadir's message [1]and without it, the mission was considered incomplete and all [2]the efforts of the Prophet were considered useless.

In the matter of Ghadir, Imam Ali himself (peace be upon him) is relevant; Because after the Prophet, he is the only one who can lead the Islamic society towards its highest goal, which is to move towards a good, pure, and perfection-oriented life.

By looking at the content of Ghadir's sermon, one can easily realize the important fact that the prosperity and perfection of the Islamic society in all fields are not possible without guardianship.

In a part of this sermon, the Prophet, peace,, and blessings of God be upon him, refers to the Imam's knowledge - which includes high educational and moral teachings - and obedience to his commands, and ties the happiness and perfection of man to the obedience of the Imam's commands. Undoubtedly, healthy and happiness-oriented,, and growing lives depend on this obedience, and without it, this life cannot move towards growth and goodness. In this sermon, the destruction of deeds and the fall of humanity are linked to opposing the Imam.

Ghadir, a guide to understanding religion

Islamic life management is not possible without relying on religious programs and methods. The requirement of this management is an understanding of religious teachings with full knowledge of what is permissible and what is forbidden, good and bad, values ​​and vices; As the Prophet, peace, and blessings of God be upon him, pointed out this important matter in Ghadir and considered the growing movement of the society to be impossible without observing the halal and haram, and he considered it necessary to understand and think about the basic issues and the superstructure of religion and knowledge to those issues for this growth.

For example, in Ghadir, the payment of zakat - which is one of the superstructure and branches of religion - is mentioned, and it is the best factor for poverty eradication the society, establishing the moral security of the society, and organizing the formation of Islamic families. Also, prayer has been mentioned as one of the important educational indicators for the soul and the prevention of sin.

 Therefore, it is not possible to manage life with the Islamic method without knowledge and understanding of religious issues. and It is possible only by relying on religion that lives can move towards growth and prosperity

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