Ghadir, the continuity of the divine guidance

12:44 - 2022/07/14

On the day of Ghadir, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) introduced Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) as his successor. Announcing the succession of Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) on Ghadir specified the duty of the Islamic Ummah (nation) in the field of guidance and Islamic government. The line of Wilayah (guardianship) that was drawn by “Whoever I am his/her Mola, then Ali is his/her Mola” was a path for the felicity of people in this world and in the hereafter.

Ghadir, the continuity of the divine guidance

Ghadir, the continuity of the divine guidance[1]

Allah in verse 76 of chapter Ma’idah in the Holy Qur’an said: “O Apostle! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you will not have delivered His message. And Allah will protect you from the people.” (which points to the event of Ghadir). 

What blessed thing is this, which is so important that if the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) did not do it, it would be as if he did not deliver the message of Allah? 

Undoubtedly, the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) didn’t look forward to a mansion or kingdom and the purpose of succeeding the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) cannot be merely to rule over the people, which happened with Saqeefah[2] and led astray the divine succession of the Prophet and the Imamate over the Ummah.

Ghadir, the continuity of the divine guidance

From the time of the third caliph, Bani-Umayyah who were the fierce enemies of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and Ahl-ul-Bayt (P.B.U.H.) (the family of the Prophet) became close to power by the method of conspiracy and changed the caliphate into the kingdom. Bani-Umayyah were people who named themselves the caliphate of the Prophet of Allah, but lived like kings and had no appropriateness to the speech and the behavior of the Prophet of Allah.

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was sent from Allah and he removed the dust of ignorance from people and placed them on the path of guidance. Continuing this way was impossible except with the guidance of people similar to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the Ghadir event was supposed to be the extension of the government of Allah and continuator of the guidance of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

The line of Wilayah (guardianship) that was drawn by “Whoever I am his/her Mola, then Ali is his/her Mola” was a path for the felicity of people in this world and in the hereafter. But Saqeefah blocked this path of felicity and closed the path of guidance of most people.

Insisting on Ghadir and resuscitating this heavenly Eid in which the religion was perfected and the blessing was completed is the revival of this path of felicity (that was led astray, so people were misled).

Ghadir was the place of the appearance of Wilayah. Concerning Wilayah, it has been narrated “Nothing has been called out as Wilayah has been called out” [3].

The Iranians’ supreme leader said: “Among all of the divine rulings, this Wilayah has the superior position. Because it is the guarantor and supplier of all of the divine rulings, which Ghadir event and the very important narration [indicate it].” [4].

Undoubtedly, by resuscitating the great Ghadir Eid, the path of guidance will be resuscitated. As the supreme leader said in another time: “About Ghadir Eid, it has been said: “The great Eid of Allah”. This Eid is superior and higher than all other Eids existing in the Islamic calendar. The effect of this Eid is more than all other Eids. Why? Because the duty of the Islamic Ummah (nation) in the field of guidance and governance has been determined in this Ghadir event.” [5].

Ghadir is not deniable and those who try to deny it blocks the path of guidance and felicity for themselves and others.




[2]. It is a place where some people after the demise of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) gathered together and selected illegitimately Abu-Bakr as the successor to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) while the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had introduced his successor (who was Imam Ali a.s) to the people (in Ghadir) before he (Prophet) passed away.

[3]. Kafi, vol. 2, p. 21. It’s an original book in Arabic.

[4]. The speeches in the lecture on the occasion of al-Adha Eid, August 1st, 2020

[5]. The speeches in meeting with people on the occasion of Ghadir Eid, December 6th 200

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