Hijab immunity

10:19 - 2022/08/22

The wise method is that whatever is more expensive, the percentage of care for it will be higher and the more exquisite it is, the fear of robbery will be greater. So, if we consider chastity as a precious gem, we should take care of it with thousands of eyes.

Hijab immunity

why should women wear hijab?

Hijab immunity

If the gardener protects the capital of his life, which is summed up in the produce of the garden, no one will blame him for this protection; Rather, they admire him.

on the pretext of freedom, no one removes the wall of his house and does not leave the door of his yard open at night. Because a thief may break in and steal his property.

The wise method is that whatever is more expensive, the percentage of care for it will be higher and the more exquisite it is, the fear of robbery will be greater. So, if we consider chastity as a precious gem, we should take care of it with thousands of eyes.

Hijab immunity

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