Ghadir; Acceptance of resurrection in Islamic lifestyle

12:43 - 2022/07/13

Ghadir contains many knowledge messages for human life. In the culture of Ghadir, belief in resurrection, moving towards the eternal place, and accountability in the resurrection must form the basis of a Muslim's thought.

Ghadir; Acceptance of resurrection in Islamic lifestyle

One of the great lessons of Ghadir is the belief in resurrection and its spread in human societies. Belief in resurrection and death makes life purposeful and its management is followed with hope and motivation.


Ghadir contains many knowledge messages for human life. In the culture of Ghadir, belief in resurrection, moving towards the eternal place, and accountability in the resurrection must form the basis of a Muslim's thought.

When this belief reaches the stage of certainty it shows its fruits in personal and social life.

On the other hand, if the human belief in the world is viewed only from a material and empirical point of view. and existence be considered only this tangible and evident world. In this case, any unseen and invisible matters will be denied.

In such a belief, people's lifestyles are defined and arranged in such a way that they provide their worldly pleasures. and as a result, debauchery and the spread of disorder will be the main characteristic of such lives that can be seen in the western lifestyle today.

In Ghadeer's thought, real ownership belongs only to God, and other ownerships are virtual.[1]

 When a person believes that the return of everything is to God and other ownerships are perishable such a person will never be attached to the world and its affairs, will not commit oppression and rebellion. In different layers of life, he sets divine piety and fairness as the criteria of movement; The rights of others are respected and divine laws are followed; He sees the world as a bridge to reach the hereafter and…

The approach of resurrection culture

In a part of Ghadeer's sermon, the Prophet mentions the end of the world and eternal life and calculation.

These prophetic messages in Ghadir, which are addressed to all people until the Day of Judgment, are a deterrent warning so that people do not become dependent on the appearances of the world; The central law should be the criterion of their lives; Consider God as a witness of their actions and behavior in all scenes of life." O people, be afraid of the Day of Judgment; Remember the death, the resurrection, the reckoning, and the scales of reckoning and reckoning in front of God…[2]


[1] - Surah Hadid. verse 5. To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah, all matters are returned.

[2] - Ansari, Ghadir's Sermon, p. 55.

Ghadir; Acceptance of resurrection in Islamic lifestyle

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