prophet Musa and Samiri (part 2)

13:43 - 2022/07/20

until thirty days had passed since the arrival of prophet Musa and his companions to Mount Sinai.  When prophet Musa and his friends wanted to return to their followers, God commanded them to stay on Mount for another 10 days. In the meantime, an event happened that a person named Samari led people astray.

Prophet Musa and Saimiri

prophet Musa

Prophet Musa's story and Saimiri's golden calf( part 2 )

After forty days, when prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and his companions were about to return to their families, God informed Prophet Musa what happened.  Therefore, as soon as they reached the children of Israel, Prophet Moses went to Saimiri and told him that he had done something wrong and that he should stop his mistakes and destroy the calf.

Saimiri should have told the people that the calf is just a statue and there was nothing he could do. But the Saimiri did not listen to Prophet Moses. Prophet Musa took the calf and threw it into the sea. Saimiri who saw this anger scared. 

He admitted that he made a mistake and was deceived by devil's words, but it was no use. Prophet Musa left him alone and continued on his way with children of Israel. Saimiri remained alone until the end of his life because of lying and did not listen to the words of Prophet Moses.  Saimiri was a smart and knowledgeable person, but he was easily deceived by the devil because his main job was sculpting, he was able to make a very beautiful clay calf statue and deceive people with it.  He covered the statue with golden coating.  If Prophet Musa did not aware of the people, the Saimiri would have misled everyone with the calf. Yes, my good children, some people annoy others with what they know. But We have to be very smart.  My dear children, if we are not careful, the devil can easily deceive us and lead us astray.  I hope that all of you are safe and healthy wherever you are and never be deceived by the naughty and ugly words of the devil.  My darlings, this part of the story of Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, is over, and I entrust you, good children, to the great and merciful God.

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