Hijab in Ghadir Khuom

11:30 - 2022/07/19

The Hijab of women in the Prophet's last Hajj and the quality of taking allegiance from him in the Ghadir Kham region is a clear manifestation of women's presence in the most important political ceremonies of Islam while maintaining the Islamic hijab.

Hijab in Ghadir Khuom

Hijab in Ghadir Khuom: The presence of women in the Prophet's last Hajj and the quality of taking allegiance from him 


Hijab in Ghadir Khuom: The presence of women in the Prophet's last Hajj and the quality of taking allegiance from him 

Islam, as the last and most complete heavenly religion, has ordered all women's rights with all elegance and precision. The best solution to prevent the violation of women's rights is to implement Islamic teachings in the world.

Islam's view on the position of women

At a time when women did not have the lowest social status, Islam introduced women as fragrant flowers.[1] The true status of women from the perspective of Islam is revealed when we know that she has been given the title of " divine deposit ".[2]

for women to reach perfection, according to their spiritual and physical characteristics, God Almighty has decreed a hijab and covering for them. A ruling that both promotes her status and protects her from various harms. One of the biggest protests of women throughout history has been the instrumental and gender view of them in different societies. Studies show that the source of this type of view is the struggle and opposition to this divine decree with demagogic titles such as freedom, independence, modernity, etc.

Playing the role of women in political and social activities

Not only Islam is not opposed to women's social and political activities; but also, in some cases, it obliges them to play a role in such activities. It is noteworthy that such activities took place under the shadow of hijab and chastity. One of the most important political scenes of Islam, in which women played a role by keeping the Islamic hijab, is the presence in Ghadir Khom and pledging allegiance to Amir A-l Momineen, peace be upon him.

the obligation of women to attend the religious-political ceremony of Hajj Al-Weda.

The Holy Prophet may God bless him and his family in the last year of his life found a divine mission to call all Muslims for the last Hajj. Since the important purpose of this journey was the appointment of the caliph and allegiance to him, the Prophet made a public announcement for everyone to participate in the Hajj.

Meanwhile, women also participated in this great political-social movement. Regarding the importance of the Imamate and Caliphate of Amir A-l Momineen, peace be upon him, it is enough that pregnant women also attended this important journey. According to the citation of Allameh Majlisi, Asma bint Umais left for this historical trip while she was pregnant, She gave birth to Muhammad bin Abi Bakr in the middle of the road in a place called "Bida".[3]

Allegiance of women to the Caliph of God in Ghadir Khum

Women had an impressive presence in the Ghadir Khom region. the place where the last divine decree was revealed (Vilayat Amir al-Momineen).[4]

Women in countries claiming to defend women's rights had less value than a pet and did not enjoy the lowest social status, let alone comment or participate in political issues. They were even denied the right to vote. It was Islam, that placed equal rights with men in the most important political scene of that time. The Prophet ordered to place a curtain for women's pledge of allegiance and to provide a large container full of water. Amir Al-Mu'minin, peace be upon him, from the other side of the curtain, put his blessed hand into the water container, and the women from the other side dipped their hands into the water and pledged allegiance to the Caliph of God. they created such a pattern of political-social participation by maintaining hijab and chastityy.[5]



[1] - Al-Nawader Ravandi (Ardestani translation), vol.1, p.172.

[2] - Tafsir Barhan, Vol. 3, p. 347.

[3] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 99, p. 349.

[4] - Tafsir Qomi, vol. 1, p. 170.

[5] - Majma-Al-Bayan Vol. 9, p. 457.

The presence of women in the Prophet's last Hajj

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