The answer to students' doubts "How did God come into existence?

10:24 - 2022/07/21

God come into existence?


The answer to student doubts "How did God come into existence?

Student doubts

First: Before answering this question, let's say one thing. If you are in a room with a window to the outside and you are asked to describe the outside, you look out the window.

Finally, you see some trees, a road and some birds. But if you go outside, you can see the lake and the mountains and all the trees. You can see the whole city from the top of the mountain. If you get on a plane, you can see the whole country. If you get on spacecraft, you can see the whole planet.

But you will never see the entire planet and galaxies by going to the mountain. Our view and knowledge about God are like this. If we want to see all the galaxies by going to the top of the mountain, it is not possible. But this much we understand that planets and galaxies exist.

We understood some of their features with our imperfect vision. Now, regarding the world and God, our intellect, knowledge, and vision are incomplete, and we know as much that someone made the world and that the one who made the world must have existed from the beginning, have infinite power, and do not need anyone. Everyone needs him and that is God.

Second: Some have given examples in order to better explain the meaning of God. For example, they said: The moisture of everything is from water. But where does the moisture of the water itself come from? It means that water has moisture from the beginning and moisture is inherent in the existence of water and it did not come from anywhere. Either oil or saltiness, all saltiness is due to salt. But where did the saltiness come from?

Now when I say that everything is God's creation and creation is God's essence. It means that it did not come from anywhere and no one created it.

Third: If we say that everything has a reason, then God must also have a reason. It is true that everything has a reason, but that last reason, to which all reasons end and is the reason of all reasons, should not have a reason itself. Because in the end, this chain has to be broken somewhere, and we understand that there is no reason after that, it will be God.



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