prophet Musa and Samiri (part 1)

11:14 - 2022/07/20

until  thirty days had passed since the arrival of prophet Musa and his companions to Mount Sinai.  When prophet Musa and his friends wanted to return to their followers, God commanded them to stay in Mount for another 10 days. In the meantime, some event happened that a person named Samari led people astray.

prophet Musa and Saimiri 

prophet Musa

Prophet Musa's story and Saimiri's golden calf (part 1)

Days passed by after one another until finally, thirty days had passed since the arrival of prophet Musa and his companions to Mount Sinai.  When prophet Musa and his friends wanted to return to their followers, God commanded them to stay on Mount for another 10 days. 

Children of Israel (Bani Israel), The children of Israel who were people making excuses all the time we're waiting for an opportunity.  When three days passed and there was no news of prophet Musa and his companions, they started making excuses. 

My good children, the devil who is always thinking of deceiving people, when he saw that people were making excuses and not listening to the words of Harun, the brother of prophet Musa, he started deceiving people.  The people who did not like to listen to Haroun's words did whatever the devil told them to do. 

Among them was a man named Saimiri, who was one of the friends of Hazrat Musa, but he was not a good person. When he saw that there was no news of prophet Musa and his companions, he said to the people: Musa and the seventy people who went with him to the mountain all died and never come back. He knew that people like to worship idols, So, with the gold he brought from Pharaoh's palace, he made a statue in the shape of a calf away from the eyes of the people. He made a hole in the belly of the statue so that when air enters it, a sound will come out. The poor people who thought this calf was talking were easily deceived by the Saimiri and started worshiping the Samiri's calf instead of worshiping God. After forty days…

Dear children, you will hear the continuation of the story in the next episode

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