Black box

09:09 - 2022/08/29

we have another box that is really neither destroyed nor lost. And that box is the book of human deeds, which contains the collection of beliefs, behavior, speech, and performance during his life, which is read again after death and on the Day of Resurrection in the presence of countless people and angels of God Almighty, and tells everyone that its owner How has he lived?

black box

Human and  black box

Black box

A solid and accident-resistant piece in which the collection of flight information and pilots' conversations are recorded for a rainy day.

A box that although its creators claim that it cannot be easily destroyed [and of course in some cases we hear that it is completely destroyed], assuming that it is not destroyed, sometimes after a plane crash, no trace of it will be left at all and it gets lost!

black box

But we have another box that is really neither destroyed nor lost.

And that box is the book of human deeds, which contains the collection of beliefs, behavior, speech, and performance during his life, which is read again after death and on the Day of Resurrection in the presence of countless people and angels of God Almighty, and tells everyone that its owner How has he lived?

As mentioned in the holy Quran:

We have attached every person’s omen to his neck. and We shall bring it out for him on the Day of Resurrection as a book that he will find wide open.[1]

We have to be careful about the information we record in our boxes, the boxes are black or white according to our deeds.




[1] - Surah Al-Isra. 13

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