The relation between sin and sustenance (1)

10:26 - 2022/08/27

It is said in the narrations that the world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbeliever, that is, sometimes a person who is an unbeliever and does not believe in God, may not have many of the sorrows that are caused to a Muslim.


The relation between sin and sustenance

The relation between sin and sustenance

Sustenance and sin

Sometimes they ask us: You say that not paying zakat makes it not rain. But for example, it rains in a certain region of Turkey and they don't know what zakat is, or you say, for example: if someone drinks wine or practices usury, his sustenance will decrease, while they have money and alcohol is part of their life.

In response, it should be said that we should not compare cases. It is said in the narrations that the world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbeliever, that is, sometimes a person who is an unbeliever and does not believe in God, may not have many of the sorrows that are caused to a Muslim.

Suppose you have been accepted to Tehran University after being accepted. in this case, the rules and regulations of the university apply to you.  and If you are late or absent, you won't be accepted. However, the regulations do not apply to those who do not register at all.

When you become a Muslim, it means you register. I have become a Muslim. Now you have to pay zakat, you don't pay, so it won't rain for you. You drink wine, so your sustenance decreases.



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