Encouraging fasting people

12:28 - 2022/11/07
Encouraging fasting people

Encouraging fasting people

fasting people: This year, Ramadan is in the middle of summer. For this reason, it is very difficult for Mr. Majid to fast; When he returns from work at six in the evening, he is not in the mood to talk; He goes straight to his room and sleeps.

Mr. Majid works in a textile factory. He is the financial manager of the factory and must be in the factory from seven in the morning to five in the evening.

he’s got it made! which endures the hardships of fasting And because of heat and thirst, he does not break his fast.

God loves people like Mr. Majid very much. When someone fasts on a hot day, God sends a group of us to him to encourage him. We also touch the face of that servant of God and encourage him to continue fasting.

At the time of breaking the fast, God says to us: O my angels! Witness that I forgave him.

fasting people


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