Plane tree my kind friend

12:09 - 2022/07/28

The woodpecker sat down on a branch again and said: I'm leaving, but I'll try to visit you every few days. The old tree was sad when the woodpecker left, but it said to himself: "I'll get used to it eventually, I wouldn't change this silence and peace for anything! The woodpecker was very upset. its good friend was sick.

Plane tree and woodpecker

Plane tree my kind friend

Plane tree my kind friend

The old plane tree woke up to the sound of knocking on its trunk. it frowned and yelled, "Hey woodpecker, what's going on?  slow"

The woodpecker said in surprise: "I'm sorry! You used to like it!

-yes, but recently, it hurts me when you poke me so fast. Well, my age has increased! I am old, I have run out of patience! I want silence.

-I don't want to upset you. You are my good friend

The woodpecker flew and circled over the old plane tree. There were no other trees on the side of the hill. Sometimes birds or animals would pass by, but the woodpecker was the only bird that visited the old tree every day.

The woodpecker sat down on a branch again and said: I'm leaving, but I'll try to visit you every few days"

And after saying this, it flew and went to the forest that was near the hill.

The old tree was sad when the woodpecker left, but it said to himself: "I'll get used to it eventually, I wouldn't change this silence and peace for anything!

 it closed its eyes and fell asleep. A few days passed; the woodpecker was doing his usual work. One day Mr& Mrs. Rabbit approached the tree on which he was pecking, and Mr. Rabbit said from below.

-We were looking for food. We reached an old plane tree on the side of the hill. it was always happy when it saw us and greeted, but today it was not happy. Many of its leaves had also fallen. It was as if the plane tree was sick. You should visit it; you were close friends.

The woodpecker was very upset. He thanked Mr&Mrs Rabbit for the news they had given it and flew to the hill. it saw a plane tree from a distance. The rabbits were right! The leaves of the plane tree had turned yellow and fell on the ground.

The woodpecker was very upset. its good friend was sick. it reached the tree and sat on a branch. opened his eyes from the sound of the woodpecker's wings on the plane tree and was moved when it saw the woodpecker and said in a voice that was obviously sick: "Dear woodpecker, have you finally come? I missed you. Why didn't you visit me earlier? Look, my leaves have fallen and I am sick!

The woodpecker jumped from one branch to another and carefully looked at the tree's trunk.

Wow... my dear friend!" it exclaimed. "Why did you get sick? "Under your skin is filled with worms that I used to eat all of them so as not to harm you.

The plane tree sighed and said, "So you were eating these worms with your pecking?" How ignorant I was!

The woodpecker who was excited to see all the worms said: "We woodpeckers find these worms and insects under the bark of trees and eat them to keep the trees healthy. Even now, eating so many worms is beyond my power. I need help".

Thus, it flew to the forest to tell the other woodpeckers to come to the help of the plane tree.

The plane tree had to prepare itself to be pecked by several woodpeckers, but this time it was happy.

The moral point of this story can be concluded with a verse from the Holy Quran:  it may be that you dislike something, which is good for you, and it may be that you love something, which is bad for you, and Allah knows and you do not know. (1)



1. (2.216)






Plane tree my good friend

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