
proud king

proud king
10:48 - 2022/10/29

The elephants ran away from the house of God because of the stones that were thrown at them.

By God's will, the Kaaba was spared from the attack of Abrahe's army, and that year it became known as "Aamo- Al-fil"



11:18 - 2022/10/27

how good are those who feed and entertain others. How precious are those who enjoy feeding God's servants. God is proud of these servants

Birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH)

13:48 - 2022/10/20

After the birth of Hazrat Fatimah (PBUH), the Prophet offered prayers of thanksgiving, sacrificed, and invited all the people of the city to a party to share his happiness. But the enemies of the Prophet mocked him and said that you do not have a son and your generation will not continue.

Quranic story of prophet Jonah

12:52 - 2022/10/20

Hazrat Jonah was imprisoned in the belly of a whale, and there he talked to God about and asked God to forgive him and set him free.

wasting water

wasting water
14:03 - 2022/10/19



10:24 - 2022/09/14

salutation and greeting


Plane tree my kind friend

12:09 - 2022/07/28

The woodpecker sat down on a branch again and said: I'm leaving, but I'll try to visit you every few days. The old tree was sad when the woodpecker left, but it said to himself: "I'll get used to it eventually, I wouldn't change this silence and peace for anything! The woodpecker was very upset. its good friend was sick.

Librarian Squirrel who was very fond of reading

11:10 - 2022/07/27

Librarian Squirrel was fond of reading, who had become the librarian of the library, would lend books to the children and helped them to get the books they needed and read them.

The little squirrel was the kind librarian of the forest school and everyone loved him.

God has commanded us to do good to our neighbor

13:26 - 2022/07/21

Different people live in our neighborhood. Small and big, old and young, healthy and sick, employed and unemployed, etc., that's why we have to pay attention to our neighbors so that we don't bother them.

Special Dhikr

special Dhikr
17:15 - 2022/07/12

Special Dhikr

Eid A-lGhadir; An opportunity for visiting relatives

08:45 - 2022/07/04

Opportunity :We like to go to parties, laugh and have fun, talk funny and sweet things. Ghadir Eid is one of those days that is a great opportunity for visiting relatives

Angels for the friends of Imam Ali (AS)

12:20 - 2022/07/02

the kind God who created us is more kind than our parents; He has given us many blessings because of the love and interest we have for Imam  Ali (AS) (peace be upon him).
