God has commanded us to do good to our neighbor

13:26 - 2022/07/21

Different people live in our neighborhood. Small and big, old and young, healthy and sick, employed and unemployed, etc., that's why we have to pay attention to our neighbors so that we don't bother them.

Good neighbor


The neighbor should be treated in a good manner

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

You have to do good to others because God said so.

Amali Sadouq, p. 359

Different people live in our neighborhood. Small and big, old and young, healthy and sick, employed and unemployed, etc., that's why we have to pay attention to our neighbors so that we don't bother them.

Sometimes our neighbors may be bothered by a run or normal noise.

In some houses, grandparents live with the children; They are usually bothered by different games.

How good it is to try to be kind to the elders and neighbors so that they don't get bothered by our various activities.

You have to be a good neighbor to others because God said so.

Amali Sadouq, p. 359



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