Librarian Squirrel who was very fond of reading

11:10 - 2022/07/27

Librarian Squirrel was fond of reading, who had become the librarian of the library, would lend books to the children and helped them to get the books they needed and read them.

The little squirrel was the kind librarian of the forest school and everyone loved him.

Librarian Squirrel 

Librarian Squirrel

Librarian Squirrel who was very fond of reading 

Every day he sat on the tree branch and carefully read the books to learn new thing.

One day, Mrs. Rabbit, who was a forest school teacher, said to Little Squirrel, "I am very happy that you are interested in reading and trying to learn new things. I want you to help me so that other children can be like you; That's why I choose you as the librarian of the school library. Help me put good books there so that all the children can come and borrow books".

"I would like to be a librarian very much," said the little squirrel; But I don't know what I should do when I become a librarian? Mrs. Rabbit said: "Darling! You have to guide the school children to borrow and read the books they need. In this way, everyone can learn new things by reading new and good books".

Good!" said the little squirrel cheerfully.

Miss Rabbit and Little Squirrel went to the school to tidy up the library and inform all the children that Little Squirrel has become the librarian.

When they reached the school, Miss Rabbit said, "You go to the library. Yesterday, new books were brought to the library and you need to sort them out".

The little squirrel entered the library to put the new books in their place; But it's like these books haven't seen a library yet. They were talking loudly to each other. They pushed each other with laughter and did not sit in their seats regularly.

The little squirrel, who had already become the librarian of the library, warned the newly arrived disorderly books that this is a library and you should observe silence. So, sit down regularly until someone comes and chooses you and reads.

One of the books said in surprise: "What do they should read".

It means "reading your stuff and learning new things," said the little squirrel.

one of them said: "Will there be anyone who wants to read our writings?"

"Yes," said the little squirrel. This is the library. A place that helps you stay healthy and clean. You will find new and good friends here every day. Life in the library is very beautiful for you. most importantly, these children will pick you up and read your good and beautiful content.

The words of the little squirrel were not finished yet, when one of the children from the forest came to the newly arrived books and took some of them to read with his friends.

From that day on, most school children borrowed books from the library and read them to learn new things.

The little squirrel, who had become the librarian of the library, would lend books to the children and helped them to get the books they needed and read them.

Librarian squirrel was the kind librarian of the forest school and everyone loved him.





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