The relation between sin and sustenance (2)

12:28 - 2022/08/27

Now, if a person does not commit any sin and sits at home, only doing worship, will they give him sustenance without any effort? No!

 so the effort, planning, and not committing sin, these reasons should be considered together.

The relation between sin and sustenance (2)

The relation between sin and sustenance (2)

Sin and sustenance

There are various factors that decrease or increase sustenance. One of the factors of increasing sustenance is effort. After all, the one who works two shifts has a different livelihood than the one who works one shift.

God says in Holy Quran:

that nothing belongs to man except what he strives for.[1]

One of the factors that increase sustenance is tact and planning. Is the sustenance of the one who wastes the same as the one who is contented?

some of the factors that reduce sustenance are sin, lying, and betrayal.

Now, if a person does not commit any error and sits at home, only doing worship, will they give him sustenance without any effort? No!

 so the effort, planning, and not committing mistakes, these reasons should be considered together.



[1] - Surah Najm. 39

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