Punishment of the grave

09:53 - 2022/08/28

On Doomsday, strict, narrow-minded, and bad-tempered people will also suffer from strictness in the account.

Punishment of the grave

Punishment of the grave

punishment of the grave of Saad Mu'az:

punishment of the grave of Saad Mu'az: A great person like Saad Mu'az, who was one of the greatest companions of the Prophet, was also wounded in the war. When he died, The Prophet participated in his funeral ceremonies barefoot. And he himself went to his grave and laid a grave for him and said: Thousands of angels have come to bury him.

But when Saad Moaz's mother said: My son, may heaven rest on you! The Prophet said: Saad's mother, don't assign duties to God. Just now, Saad felt the punishment of the grave.

When the companions asked: Sir, how did Saad suffer from the torment of the grave with this greatness and this honoring of you and the angels?

The Prophet of God (PBUH) said:

He was behaving badly to the family.[1]

On Doomsday, strict, narrow-minded, and bad-tempered people will also suffer from strictness in the account.



[1] - ( اِنَّهُ کانَ فِی خُلقِهِ مَعَ اَهلِهِ سُوءٌ؛)Mizan al-Hikma (Al-Mohammadi al-ReyShahri, Sheikh Muhammad), volume: 1, page: 807

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