The event of Mubahala

14:33 - 2022/07/24

It was decided that the next day, the Prophet would face the Christians with his loved ones, so that both sides would pray and pray to God to accept their curse on the other side. With this curse, every group that was destroyed, the proof of the truth of the remaining group would be revealed.

The event of Mubahala


Mubahala: Proof of being right

The Christians of Najran had come to meet the Messenger of God (PBUH).  When they saw the prophet, they realized that he is the one whose name and attributes they saw in the Bible.  However, they asked the apostles to call Jesus the Son of God.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: Jesus is a worthy servant of God and God has no equal.  The insistence of the Najran Christians reached the point where the Messenger of God called them to Mubahlah[1] by the order of his Lord.

It was decided that the next day, the Prophet would face the Christians with his loved ones so that both sides would pray and pray to God to accept their curse on the other side. With this curse, for every group that was destroyed, the proof of the truth of the remaining group would be revealed.

That night the leader of Najran said to his companions: If tomorrow this man shows up with a large crowd of his followers, know that we will win.  Because he does not trust and believe in his own prayer and wants to avoid their blame by destroying himself and his companions.

But if she comes to the field with a small number of her dearest family, know that her prayer will be answered and she is definitely the promised prophet.

The next night, the Prophet came to the meeting place with Amir A-l Mominan, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain (AS). The head of Najranian shouted: I swear by Christ, I see faces that if they call God, there will not be one Christian left on earth.

They refused to curse and the Prophet (PBUH) said: If it was not for their habit and interest in eating wine and pork, they would have believed in the command of Islam.[2]


[1] - was a meeting between the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a Christian delegation from Najran (present-day Saudi Arabia), in the month of Dhu'l-Hijja where Muhammad called for invoking a curse to reveal who was lying about their religious differences. (

[2] - Khesal p. 576

Confrontation between Christians of Najran and Prophet as the event of mubahala

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