Angels who record our good and bad deeds

11:35 - 2022/11/06


Angels who record our good and bad deeds

Angels who record our good and bad deeds

You people sometimes do good things and sometimes bad things. We angels record all your good and bad deeds. God has placed two angels for each person to always be by your side and write down your deeds. One angel is on your right and one on your left. The angel on the right writes good deeds. The angel on the left writes your bad deeds.

The angel on the right writes one good deed as ten good deeds. For example, if someone gives one dress to a poor person, it is as if he gave him ten dresses. But the angel on the left counts one sin as only one. For example, if someone tells a lie, he only writes one lie to his account. He does not rush to write down a single sin and gives a few hours  respite to the guilty servant. If that servant regrets his bad deed and repents, he will not write it again.




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